the yoga of small business

Yoga is all about being unattached to results. We do our duty, that’s it. If we’re truly connected, then we are at peace no matter what happens, no matter how many people come to our class, or whether our business fails or succeeds... Then why am I always such a mess?

Sunday, February 7, 2010


The best thing about square one is and has always been the community that builds it.

Today was the first official work day at the new location. Here is my public thanks to Matthew Flanagan (boss), Judy Huang (assistant boss and photographer), Michelle Mitchell, Alexandra Teague, Carlos Pena Garrido, Yael Martinez, Dylan, Wendy, Mike. I really hope I didn't forget anyone! Buddy.

It was a great day. It reminded me of the first square one and how all these people came together to make it happen, most of whom had never done yoga and never intended to do yoga. It was spectacular. Sometimes when I'm at home alone on Saturday nights feeling like I don't have enough friends, I have to remember those days. Not only do I have plenty of friends, I have outstanding friends. Friends who will drop everything to help out. Friends who want nothing more than for me to succeed.

If you want to read the story of the first opening, please read it at, but now back to today. What's happening now is different because it's not personal. The people who came today are coming for square one, not for me. They want square one to be successful. They believe in the vision of the studio and they're willing to give up their time and their money to see it through.

So many people are a part of this now. Last weekend we had the Haiti benefit concert and bakesale. People spent their entire day baking for us (thanks Carleen and Caitlin!). Other people brought bottles of wine and lots and lots of people came and spent lots of money. We raised way more than I expected.

I could never do that on my own. I didn't have any money to send to Haiti. What I have now is a long list of contacts that I use very, very carefully. I have a lease on a space that can be used for events. I have a little time to send emails and ask people to come. I do a couple very simple, easy things, and all these people come together and accomplish really amazing things.

I could not have opened square one on my own and I could not complete this move on my own.

I was teaching restorative tonight after the big work day, and I felt all this gratitude that I get to be a part of this. I don't own square one. On paper, maybe, but from day one, square one has been a collaboration. I am entrusted to make decisions, but that's it. It's not mine.

I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to talk about God for one minute. As you understand God. It has all fallen into my lap. The very best things have all happened with no effort on my part. I make way better decisions for square one than I can possibly take credit for. Someone's watching out for us. I know it.

Anyway. This is a blog about business. Business means providing a service for a community. Building a business is building a community. That's it. I get all worked up about stuff like how much the underlayment costs and whether or not to hire a particular teacher and how the schedule should be structured and why no one came to a particular class. I guess it's my responsibility to worry about those things, but the truth is that that stuff works itself out when I focus on the who I'm serving, the people in the community. And then the amazing thing is that those people turn around and literally build my business. They install the floors and refer their friends, and they keep coming back for yoga again and again and again.

As my new favorite teacher, Rusty Wells, always says at the end of class, "how blessed we are." Indeed. How blessed we are.

here are the pictures Judy took of the space. the before shots.

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