the yoga of small business

Yoga is all about being unattached to results. We do our duty, that’s it. If we’re truly connected, then we are at peace no matter what happens, no matter how many people come to our class, or whether our business fails or succeeds... Then why am I always such a mess?

Sunday, January 24, 2010


I am not very consistent. I forget things. I've found myself saying to a lot of people lately, "I'm sorry. I dropped the ball." A lot.

It was easier to be consistent and to have good habits when I worked a regular job. There were things that had to get done in the morning before work and things that had to get done in the evening. I set an alarm and woke up early. I went to bed at basically the same time every night. I woke up and did it all over again. I had deadlines imposed by institutions and bosses and groups of people who needed me to accomplish certain tasks by certain times. For the most part, I followed them. I met deadlines. I showed up.

Six weeks into self employment and I have shut off the alarm. It's kinda nice, lying in bed. I have a dog and a cat, one on each side, and they're warm and they love me, and I'm not late to anything but my own to-do list. But while I don't have deadlines or bosses, I still have groups of people who need me to accomplish things by certain times in order to be able to do their jobs effectively. And like I said, I've been dropping the ball.

There are other important things don't happen that basically no one cares about but me, but that I care about a lot. The blog doesn't get written. I don't take as many long walks with the dog. I skip yoga.

It's not that I'm not working. I'm working long days, but without a rhythm, without habits and without structure. Now the structure has to be internally motivated, internally moderated, and I have a hard time with that. Self control essentially, right? If I can't put down the pint of Ben and Jerry's, can I impose a healthy schedule on myself?

I'm going to try. I'm going to start easy. I'm just going to set the alarm. That's it. I don't even have to set it really early. I just have to set it, and then I have to get up.

I think I'll add two more things. Tuesday and Thursday mornings at 9 am, you will find me at Rusty Well's all levels class at his lovely new studio in the city. (Urban Flow. Go!) I want to get stronger, and I know it will happen in his class. And Tuesday is my day off. I don't work on Tuesdays.

Of course, then there's the question: what's work? The best thing about my life right now is that my work is my hobby, and my friends are my clients. So what's a day off? I'm not exactly sure, but I have a hunch it's important. All the best things that have happened in my professional life have happened effortlessly, in times of rest and relaxation, when I wasn't thinking about work. But this is a whole new topic for a new entry, and it's pushing ten. I guess I have an early day tomorrow.

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