the yoga of small business

Yoga is all about being unattached to results. We do our duty, that’s it. If we’re truly connected, then we are at peace no matter what happens, no matter how many people come to our class, or whether our business fails or succeeds... Then why am I always such a mess?

Monday, January 4, 2010

My First Post (by K.B. Teo)

Happy 2010!

This is my first blog post and I have to thank Katy for keeping me board with this! Katy and I decided to co-blog a few weeks back ... because we simply wanted to try something different! But I also secretly hoped, her enthusiasm and propensity to write might rub off on me!

Writing is tough for me and it seems to come easier to Katy, as she told me yesterday at my Welcome to 2010 low-stress, low-commitment, lazy brunch. I feel (oddly) guilty about not being able to tweet or maintain a daily blog. So if you're like me, it helps to know that 90% of tweets come from 10% of twitters.

I'm not kidding. That nugget of an information is actually true. From a Harvard study no less. Also, among "Twitter users, the median number of lifetime tweets per user is one". One! Ha ha ha - so much for the "trend cloud" that Twitter supposedly generates.

While this is SURPRISING to say the least, according to the same study, it's a common trend among social networks. Fore example, 15% of Wikipedia users account for 90% of edits and you can even anecdotally verify this by looking at the review count of reviewers on

In the words of the same study, this makes Twitter more of a "one way" publishing service. In the last few months, I met a few small business owners who asked me if they should Twitter. Urgh, at first I thought it's a tough decision … but reviewing it again …

Yes, I CAN (CAN is probably as important as SHOULD)

it's really alot easier to write 140 characters than a whole blog
i have a lot more soundbites in me than I have prose
I can tweet by texting from my iphone (talk about easy!)
why not! It's a one-way publishing service! Like FREE PRESS!

No, I can’t

i despise soundbites
if I have a “soundbite” in me, it’s usually an expletive (!)
texting from my phone costs me 10c

My take? Yes, tweet if you can! It’s a one-way publishing service anyway! And there are ways to link your blog to your tweets! Subraya, a friend who owns two small technology services companies, recommends this service:

Gosh, that was fun and MyFirstPost is much longer than I expected. A sign of good things to come! More later! Happy New Year, dear friends!


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